Google Instant (Update)
I finally managed to try out Google Instant (I thought it wasn't enabled yet, turns out it was. It was just not supported on Firefox.. or perhaps a certain FF plugin prevented it from functioning.. worked for me on Chrome, Safari and IE8).
Related: Google Instant
After playing around for a little while, I immediately started wondering how it would affect my Web History! and to no surprise Google had that covered. Here's how.
Incomplete searches now appear with the label 'Viewed results for' and also a description is displayed after the search terms stating how those results were viewed.
See the image below
This can come in handy trying to remember a certain searches you were trying to locate a while ago..
Enjoy searching, ;)
Related: Google Instant
After playing around for a little while, I immediately started wondering how it would affect my Web History! and to no surprise Google had that covered. Here's how.
Incomplete searches now appear with the label 'Viewed results for' and also a description is displayed after the search terms stating how those results were viewed.
See the image below
(Click to enlarge)
This can come in handy trying to remember a certain searches you were trying to locate a while ago..
Enjoy searching, ;)